I can stand fanboys!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 5890

Man You Niggas is Sad...... Ol Hook @ss Niggas gon actually sit up here and make up some bu11sh!t about why unlocking car Damage at later levels is this illest sh!t on the planet. If thats simulation then ill choose a arcade racer that has car damage out the gate.

No wonder people say there's go-karts in this game...

You fanboy's Keep it official with yourself and you feel better. Don't try to explain the unexplainable.

If ...

5044d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The dude who did the Video clearly states they are not the same model. forza is 2010 and GT5 is 2009

From the moment you said "I'm an absolute die-hard Sony/PS3 fan" I knew you were a A$$hole regardless.

5045d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are not the same cars my dude. You can't be that hardcore to not have noticed that.

5048d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you my dude.

5049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All you GT5 Fanboy's Are d!ckheads!!! FM3 is the 2010 and GT5 is the 2009 model they are not the same lol. To top it off agree or disagree the FM3 model still looks better. The car looks more Vibrant and Alive where the colors are highly detailed in which you guys think are cartoon-like with your sh!tty monitor setups. Not to mention forza came out in 2009 with the 2010 models where GT5 is vice versa. Wake up!!! Your Game is here so go play it and be satisfied. that sad part is Dudes is b...

5049d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just do your best and don't say a word. If you don't mention it then people would never know it can handle what you want to accomplish. By doing this you make people over examine the slight flaws this game may have making things flame activated. Sometimes its just better to shut the Phuck up and let your work do the talking.

5068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You make perfect sense but get 5 disagrees for it. So you know why this site is pure shit.

Japan was the shit back in the day but they too fell off and people just want to by pass it. Like i said before.

Lots of american developers stepped they sh!t up big time.
And to the Dickhead who respond that Westerners are about the TPS. Look at my list closely and you will see a Plethora of Genre's from each developer.

5071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really doe'snt matter about Japan anymore in this Console Generation for the last 3 years.

You can argue all you want about why Japan don't like the xbox. there's about 20 reason why but who cares. Microsoft been got over that.
American Developers are Killing Japanese Developers in recent years sales wise wether you like it or not.

You guys are not looking at the big picture. Japanese Culture is played out because they are not the ...

5075d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I Like the camera from the inside of the Cock-pit. Nice and free flowing. Looks more realistic from the inside compare to Forza 3. Tracks look more polish from this demo.

The main probleim is... Are the Fanboys gonna buy it rather than praise it then forget about it?

5080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Big Ups to Ted Price.. Funny how everything is going multiplatform with expenses going up. I hate to mention it but for all of the Fanboys crying blame it on yourself. Rather than trash games and other system..... go buy some. Bottom line.

5081d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

None of you PS3 Fanboy will buy the game SMH!!! you guys always start wars and flames but dont buy anything.

Forza = 3 Excellent Racing for the Xbox
GT5 = Excellent Racing for the PS3

Simple ain't it?

I have Forza 3 and i haven't seen my cars fly though lol!!!
Also to have accomplished this much in your 3 iteration of a game is pretty good if you as me.

5087d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

You sound fuking stupid. Enhanced visuals is a given for a game this old. I bet you was one of those fukin Losers who hating part 1 because it was exclusive.

5094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice!!! Im happy for the PS3 owners who enjoy all games get to play this.

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When the Original Mass Effect came out the PS3 fanboys bashed the hell out of the game along with EA on separated occassions...Now that EA acquired rights you guys prayed for it to be on the PS3. Sad that on this site you Bum @ss clowns still cant just play games and STFU. Lets see how many of you PS3 Fanboys go back to play part 1 lol!!! Both of these games are Great games and im Happy the Cool mellowed out PS3 owners get to enjoy this masterpiece.

Whats gonna crack me up ...

5094d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of Ya'll Some Broke @ss Niggasz talking about searching for bargain bin prices on xbox live doon't even play the damn game on either system. It don't matter whats free on not ill gladly pay/support anything thats further my experiences with gaming.

What i am not a fan of is getting nickel and dime to death for DLC.
Besides after paying $599 for a machine its online service better be free. Ya'll dudes wanna be gamers but dont want to spend no money to play them GTFOH...

5290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

For a Dude who is hated by many a Sony fan.. Why is PS owners thirstin for his services? i though he was a perverted idiot who made bad games? Very Funny. Whatever he comes out with next i know will be a blockbuster.

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lost planet 1 is about 5 gbs. This game can possibly be that big.
MS and Capcom is in on this. Capcom is just as cheap as they are not saints here. Thye extra content is on this disc already just like RE5 versus mode. I don't by this.

5330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dante Inferno from the Demo i played is a Great Game. You can clearly see a lots of effort was put into this game. For people to wish God of War 3 sells more prove that you guys don't want to see growth at all. I will gladly play this game and finish it just in time for some Kratos killgore. You guys are sickening and it proves most PS3 owners are Phanbouys that won't support anything other than a part 3,4 5,6.

AS for me this game is a First Day purchase. Story is legit as they com...

5346d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Stop letting this free form blogging alter the truth. If you really want Mass effect 2 so bad cop a 360 also and enjoy both worlds.
In todays attention starved media outlets people say sh!t like this to get hits and attention ETC. Last i check Did'nt Bioware have right to this game and no EA? Aren't EA just the publishers IIRC!!! anywho back to reality.

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This site = 2 handed facepalm.

My life flowed a little bit smoother when i just read the articles and never look at the posts. Everybody thing the know everything on boths side but no one plays games SMFH!!!!!

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment